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Fantasy Quest Page 5
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Page 5
Lerik’s chocolate eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “I do.”
Ocam raised both arms, after disentangling one hand from his floor-length beard. “The quest begins at dawn. If anyone impedes the quest for any reason—” He turned a steely gaze toward Marsoon. “They will be held accountable with the full force of the council.”
Marsoon grinned, making the hairs on Astiria’s nape rise to attention. The goblin didn’t seem like the type to give up without a fight—the more underhanded the better.
The first day of the quest dawned early, with heavy rain battering everything in its path as if seeking to destroy every bit of life. Astiria shivered inside her new leather armor, pulling her fur-lined cape tighter around her and cuddling Max close. Between the body heat from the horse she rode and the fuzzy gargoyle, it was almost bearable. She silently thanked Oopec for the thigh high leather boots, shorts and tunic, which lovingly hugged her every over-generous curve, while still allowing her freedom of movement. Not to mention the fact that they held in her body heat.
When she’d first laid eyes on the garments, she’d backed away in horror until Lerik had convinced her this was appropriate apprentice armor for an assassin. Somehow wearing sexy armor when playing a computer game was much different that doing it up close and personal.
She spared a glance for Lerik. He rode his black stallion just ahead of her. Through the thick curtain of rain, she could just make out his form under the fur-lined cape. His mood had been dark since Ocam had decreed that they spend the night separately to appease Marsoon. Apparently, if she and Lerik gave in to their ‘joining instincts,’ as Ocam called it, Lerik was guilty of some sort of statutory rape.
She sighed and shifted in the saddle. What good was having this killer body to play in when she couldn’t even play doctor, and a few other professions with the sexy warrior she was supposed to be declared to. Man, I really need to get better at this fantasizing stuff, because so far, it sucks.
Lerik’s horse, Stryder, stopped short in front of her, and she guided her mount up beside them. A large thatch roofed cottage rose through the downpour.
A servant ran out to grab their reins while they dismounted.
Inside, the air held a thick haze of incense. Some exotic spicy scent that reminded Astiria of far off lands tickled her nose.
“Enter, Lady Astiria.”
Astiria peered through the haze. Against the back wall, a large something sat against the far wall, lying on a huge chaise lounge. The sultry voice issued from the middle of three bald heads. Each face was beautiful and totally unique, although neither female or male. Its body resembled a large octopus and what appeared to be several dozen sinuous arms tipped with two opposing protrusions she assumed were fingers.
Lerik and Max immediately dropped to their knees and bowed their heads in a sign of respect. Heat burned Astiria’s cheeks as she realized staring open-mouthed at the seer probably wasn’t the best protocol.
An amused chuckle echoed around her. “No one here will chop off your head for breaches in protocol, Astiria. Come forward and we will talk.” Three long grey limbs gestured toward the kneeling men. “Leave us. My servants will provide for you while Astiria and I speak.”
Lerik’s dark gaze caught hers and his quick smile reassured her. “As you wish, Saile.” Max scrambled up onto Lerik’s shoulder as they left the cottage.
“Please sit. We have much to discuss and time is short.”
Astiria took a chair near the seer and gazed around the bare room. Nothing here showed that this cottage was even inhabited except for the three smoking piles of incense, the chaise lounge the seer reclined on and the simple wooden chair where Astiria now sat.
“I have no need of material things here. My purpose is to see and that I do best with no distractions.”
Can she…he…it, read my mind?
“I can, and I am both and neither if that helps. I have no need of gender. As long as Verrath exists, so do I. I can see beyond the veil of our world and even into yours.”
A chill ran down Astiria’s spine. “Did you bring me here? Into Verrath?”
The three faces smiled. “You brought yourself, Astiria. Only a pure desire can open the portal.”
Her brow furrowed as confusion washed through her. “I didn’t desire to come here.”
“Didn’t you? You allowed yourself to dream, and you entreated the universe to see if your perfect man actually existed.”
Her words to Max back at the resort flowed through her mind. “What do you think, Max? Do you think I could handle an entire week with a real live man who doesn’t cheat, doesn’t want me for my money or anything I can do for his career, but just wants me? A man who is sensitive and caring, but not a doormat. Someone who sees the real me and wants me anyway. Someone who could…love me. The real me.”
A sigh escaped her. “Okay, let’s say that I buy this. How will I ever know if Lerik cares for the real me in this…” She gestured toward her body. “I don’t look anything like this back on earth.”
“Your wish was for a man that would see the real you. The real person has little to do with their physical attributes unless they allow it to define who they are.”
“That sounds great in theory.” Astiria pushed to her feet to pace to the door and back. “But if I’d popped into Verrath in my normal body, I doubt even Marsoon would be fighting over me right now.” A sudden headache pounded. and Astiria closed her eyes and rubbed her fingers against both temples. The pain eased suddenly, and then a large shimmery column flowed around her and both palms itched until she rubbed them against her cloak. “What the hell? I didn’t do anything.”
“You healed your headache, and starting on your quest earned you another adventure level. As you are probably aware, early leveling is quicker than that in later levels. The first ten are all about learning who you are, as is your coming of age quest.”
“What am I supposed to learn? I already know who I am.”
“Do you? You’ve spent your life feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. You must come to terms with yourself before you can expect to have any type of relationship with others.”
Stunned, Astiria just stared at the three serene faces before laughing at the absurdity of the situation. “You’re kidding, right? This isn’t therapy, this is a quest. Don’t I have to kill so many creatures, or bring back certain artifacts, or something like that?”
All three faces smiled, the barest movement of the lips. “You will journey to the middle of Verrath to the main portal. Once there, you will step through. If you have completed your quest and you know who you are and have made peace with yourself, you will be recognized as an adult in Verrath and will be able to make your own choices.”
“And if I don’t succeed?”
“You will go back to your life in Earrath and Lord Lerik will be tried and found guilty of failing to protect you during a coming of age quest.”
A lead ball settled inside Astiria’s stomach, and nausea tossed it mercilessly. “What happens to Lerik and Max if I fail?”
“In the end, they will both die.”
Chapter Five
Lerik tethered the horses and led the way toward the first quest. The challenge was different for everyone, and he and Max would only be able to watch—if part of the challenge didn’t include isolation. Frustration flowed through his veins quickly turning to anger. Astiria was his declared, he should be able to protect her in any situation!
He chopped through the dense foliage in front of him with his sword, turning some of his emotions into action.
“What was your quest challenge, Lerik?”
Her sweet voice brought him back to the present, and he smiled over his shoulder at her. “I had to kill several goblins and then scale a sheer cliff to retrieve a golden statue.”
Her beautiful brow furrowed. “That sounds pretty hard for a low level warrior.”
Lerik smiled at the concern in her voice. “It was a difficult quest, bu
t the statue was stolen from GargoyleIsland. It was the talisman of the Queen and it ensured them prosperous crops and fair weather.” He shrugged. “I promised to get it back.”
“GargoyleIsland?” He grinned at the excitement in her voice. Max had told him of her host of gargoyles at both her home and work. “Will we get to visit there during the quest?”
Lerik laughed. “We won’t know until we go through each portion of your quest. But someday, we’ll go. I think you’ll enjoy meeting the Queen.”
“Isn’t that Max’s home?”
Max scurried up Astiria’s shoulder to perch just under her waterfall of red hair. “No! Max’s home is with Astiria and Lerik.”
She absently scratched behind his ear sending him into gargoyle ecstasy. “Don’t you like to visit your parents or your siblings?”
Max shook his head and Lerik stayed silent. It was up to the tiny gargoyle to tell her about his past, it was not Lerik’s place. “Max’s family killed during goblin raid. Lerik save Max as baby gargoyle. Max’s place with Lerik, and now with Astiria.”
She pulled Max from her shoulder and hugged him to her generous bosom. “Max, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. We don’t ever have to visit there if it causes you pain.”
Admiration for his declared flowed through him. On one hand, she was tough and resilient and on the other, she was sweet, caring and loyal.
Max turned his head away so he could draw in a labored breath. “Astiria’s stripper boobs suffocating Max!”
A blush darkened her cheeks, but she loosened her grip on Max, and once again Lerik wondered what exactly stripper boobs were—especially since the mere mention of them always seemed to embarrass her. However, Max intervened before he could ask.
“Max loves GargoyleIsland. Good snails and other creepy crawlies for snacks.”
Astiria made a face that showed she disagreed with Max’s choice of cuisine.
“Let’s make camp there by the stream.” Lerik dismounted Stryder allowing the horse to drink from the stream while he unloaded their supplies from the saddlebags. “Max, do you think you can find some wood for the fire?”
He turned to see Astiria already dismounted and unloading her own bedroll and supplies. Their gazes met, and his heart skipped a beat at how right the connection between them felt. Astiria was his, and once this quest was done, he’d make it known to the entire universe.
In the next instant, he closed the distance separating them, and they reached for each other greedily. When his lips met hers, he swallowed her sigh and gently explored her lush mouth as she melted against him. She moaned inside his mouth and he swallowed the sound as she threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer, igniting a slow burn everywhere their bodies touched.
Loud crunching from behind them startled them both, and he instantly pushed Astiria behind him, his sword at the ready.
Max stood over Astiria’s bedroll, pulling out a never-ending stream of scorpions and poisonous snakes, stuffing them greedily into his mouth.
“What’re all those creepie crawlies doing inside my bedroll?” Astiria sounded more irritated than scared, and Lerik smiled at his declared’s bravery.
Max burped and turned to look at them. “Max see squirming in bedroll, so opened and noticed munchies. Plenty for dinner.” He held them up in offering.
Rage burned through Lerik, and he ground his teeth. “Marsoon. I knew he would try to thwart us, no matter what Ocam threatened him with, but Astiria could’ve been killed.”
Astiria laid a comforting hand on his arm. “But I wasn’t, and Max seems perfectly content. Why don’t we build the fire and we’ll figure out sleeping arrangements later?”
He turned to face her, and pulled her into his embrace. “You can share my bedroll tonight.”
Her green eyes darkened with desire, and color rode high in her cheeks. “We can’t consummate our declaration, Lerik. Ocam said that was off limits until I reach level ten.”
He smiled down at her. “Then we’ll both have to practice some creative restraint. Besides, Ocam said it was just actual joining that was forbidden. Everything else is still in bounds, unless you’d rather I kept my distance…” He trailed off leaving the thought hanging in the air between them.
“I just don’t want to be defaulted back to Marsoon.” She poked him in the chest for emphasis. “But this is your world, and I trust you to know what’s fair game.” She grinned. “And I think I’m up for playing a few innings if you are.” The saucy look she threw him from under her lashes turned his blood to lava.
His hand snaked out pulling her tight against him, and he enjoyed her little squeal of surprise. “I’m not sure what these innings are you speak of, but I think we understand each other all the same.” He ran his thumb over her bottom lip, enjoying her resulting shiver. “We also need to catch some dinner, and you may be able to gain a few levels finding us some gourmet fare.” Before she could answer, he fused his lips to hers until Max’s loud crunching made them both laugh and step apart.
“Okay, Lerik.” She smiled up at him, her cat green eyes twinkling. Let’s go play assassin and allow Max to eat in peace.”
Astiria crouched behind a tree and tried to remember everything Lerik had tried to teach her about hunting in the last hour. All she’d managed to do so far was cut herself with her dagger. But on a bright note, she’d gained a healing level, which brought her up to level four as both a healer and an assassin. Only six levels to go before I can lock Lerik in his room and not let him out for a week. Arousal tingled through her body, and she purposefully pushed it aside in order to concentrate on the task at hand.
Movement in her peripheral vision startled her, but her body acted on instinct, her twin daggers suddenly flying through the air and finding both marks. She turned to see two small hares pinned to a tree, her daggers protruding from their necks. “Holy shit. I did it.” She resisted the urge to jump up and down in celebration since it would scare the rest of the local prey away.
A twig cracked behind her and she whirled, her hands held out in front of her in a defensive posture. Pink tendrils of power flung outward and hit Lerik square in the chest knocking him back a few steps. He shook his head as if to clear it, then a wry grin twisted his lips. “So, you’ve figured out your stun spell, have you?”
Astiria looked down at her hands, then back up at Lerik. “Oops. I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”
He stepped forward and took her hands in his. She wasn’t sure if it was to keep her from spelling him again or just to touch her. “I’m a master warrior, a low level stun will only startle me for a few moments, but remember that spell well, it will be enough to allow you to escape if you find yourself in a bad situation.”
It’s a good thing I didn’t have the daggers in my hand when he startled me or I might have ruined a prime piece of male flesh.
Kneeling, she pulled her daggers from the carcasses and handed the animals up to Lerik, which he deposited in a leather pouch tied to his belt. Unease prickled along the back of her neck and without thinking, she turned, still crouched, and let her daggers fly. Another small hare and a gnarled goblin were shoved backwards against another tree as her daggers pinned them fast through the throat. “What the hell is the damned Goblin doing here? They aren’t supposed to interfere.” A shimmery column of silver light flowed around her and her palm itched. She absently rubbed it against her thigh.
“Marsoon isn’t much for rules. I knew he’d be a problem.” Ignoring her level, Lerik closed in on the dead goblin before she could even force herself to move. He pulled a small blue stone from his tunic and pressed it against the goblin’s head. The stone strobed blue and white, and in the next instant, the goblin disappeared.
“Where’d he go?” She pulled her dagger from the tree and replaced it in her hip sheath.
“Ocam knew Marsoon would cheat, so he gave me this stone to send back any minions we find. Call it a collection of evidence that will keep you from being defaul
ted, as you put it, back to Marsoon.”
“Damn. I haven’t even done the quest pieces yet and we’ve already had two incidents from Marsoon. I’d really like to kick that guy’s ass.”
Lerik smiled wolfishly and pulled her into his arms for a soul-searing kiss. “For some reason it fires my blood when you curse like a serving wench.”
Still breathless from the kiss, she couldn’t muster enough outrage to be angry with him. “Remind me of that once I reach level ten, will ya?”
“Most definitely, my declared. But right now, we should probably go and cook dinner.”
The warm glow of the fire relaxed Astiria and she took a large bite of roasted hare, ignoring Max’s crunching in the background. Apparently, her bedroll had been spelled to have a never-ending supply of Max’s favorite delicacies. She shuddered, glad she hadn’t slipped into the bedroll—she’d most likely be dead or at least extremely sick from the poison. Somehow, when all this was over, she vowed to make Marsoon pay for all the trouble he’d caused both her and Lerik.
“I’m a bit concerned that we haven’t had word of your first task by now.” Lerik’s chocolate brown eyes glinted in the firelight.
“Is there supposed to be a note or a messenger or something?” Unease snaked through her causing her to rub her hands over her forearms to chase away the gooseflesh.
Lerik chewed and swallowed before answering. “Usually this clearing is where the message is received. Not always, but usually.”
“So should we wait here until it arrives?”
“No, we must move forward. This is a world of magic, the message will find us wherever we are. Mayhap the lateness of the message is part of the trial. I don’t think Marsoon is strong enough to waylay Ocam’s magic.”
Astiria thought over what the seer had told her and sighed. It was entirely possible that there would be no actual quest tasks, and that this entire trek up to the portal was to ensure she’d made peace with herself. But since the seer had advised she couldn’t share that information with Lerik or Max, she kept her council and bit into the hare, letting the spicy flavor of the ale they had basted it in burst inside her mouth.